Monday, December 19, 2005


The best laid plans of mice and Amys

...often go awry. For example, my plan to update this blog regularly. And that's all I'm going to say about that.
Reason #423 I love Austin: I'm sitting in La Tazza Fresca, the coffeehouse that adjoins my favorite local oil-change place, Groovy Lube. And I'm online through their free wireless. And when I booted up my computer, there were no less than 6 wireless networks in range from other local businesses. Free wireless is rampant here - it's in almost every coffeeshop, and many bars and restaurants. I'm not sure why you'd want to connect while throwing down a pint, but in Austin, you can.

I'm getting my oil changed (and my inspection done, a few months late - oops) because I'm about to set out on a humoungous road trip, that will take me to Natchitoches, Louisiana; Athens, Georgia; Columbus, Ohio; and Sarasota, Florida. Also Louisville, Kentucky if Alexendra calls me (Alexandra? call me). In Natchitoches, I'm hoping to track down my first Sensei, Sensei Romulus Rocquemore, and ask him to teach me the sai kata I learned 12 years ago and have long since forgotten. The sai are my favorite martial arts weapon, and there's just not a lot of weapons work in my current style. Athens holds the Cotton Patch, my friends Chris and Ashley and their children Bryce and Morgan. I was at Morgan's birth (or at least in the general vicinity shortly thereafter), but I wasn't alround for much after that. Bryce is 10, Morgan is 6. Columbus, OH holds my brother, sister-in-law, nephew, and related embryo. Florida has Mason and her family. And then back home. I haven't had a road trip in a thousand years, and can't wait to get started. But I was (over)due for an oil change and thought I should get one before driving 3,000 miles. I guess I'll need one when I get back, too. I'll be gone for about two weeks. I've got my laptop with me and will post from the road if I get the chance and a notion.

I wish I could say that one of my New Year's resolutions is to post more regularly, but I've found this year that I have a lot of resolutions, and this one, alas, is a lower priority. Here are some I've made:
-- excercise more. I excercise a heck of a lot already, but I've got a black belt test coming up. I want to swim twice or three times a week and lift weights more regularly. I also want to do gym kata (that's my oh-so-original phrase for doing kata in the gym).
--Do 2,006 kata in 2006. That works out to about 40 a week. Seems reasonable, and I have a fondness for numbers with meaning (or at least round numbers).
--Eat better, more healthily, and cook once in a while.
--Dancing - I want to become a really good two-stepper and swing dancer.

There are more, but my car's ready. Bad news - I need a new tire! But at least I know about it before I head out. Worse news - somehow the 20 oil change bloomed into a 100 dollar deal. I hate it when that happens. Here's praying for some cheap gas...

All for now.

Have a great trip! Sorry I won't be joining you for the Ohio leg.
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