Friday, August 26, 2005


It's the end of the week. Ergo, weekend.

Well, another work week is coming to a close. I can tell because a reminder keeps popping up on my computer that says, "time sheet!"
I achieved a work-related coup today - for the first time in the history of my life, I entered data on a form I wrote in C#.NET and it added a record (excuse me, "row") to a sql table that I also wrote.
It's a simple thing, but it's really quite heady. So yay, work-me.

After work today I'm going to stop by the post office and mail some photos to the Balance Bar Food Company as part of a grant proposal I'm submitting to them. They have a new "Community Grants Program," and I'm trying to get Sun Dragon some funding. Cross your fingers for me. I have to submit the 500 word written proposal by next Wednesday. If anyone would like to look over it and give me feedback, shoot me an email.

In other news...I have a busy weekend ahead of me. Saturday morning I'll be in karate (as always), and on Sunday I have three engagements - 1 to go to a book club, 1 to play Scrabble with a friend, and 1 to watch a movie (actually a mini-series) with a couple of other friends. And if I can squeeze it in, Maya and Eva are having their birthday parting Sunday afternoon, too (Maya will be 9, Eva will be 7).

So Saturday afternoon I'll be doing my weekend chores, including cleaning the public areas of my apartment in preparation for hosting the mini-series viewing (it's Stephen King's _The Stand_, incidentally). And tonight I'm going dancing after Tai Chi.

And of course I have to finish the grant.

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